Sprained Ankle Vs. Broken Ankle

Ankle injuries are common, especially among athletes. Injury to the ankles accounts for anywhere from 16% to a whopping 40% of injuries in sports. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone who just rolled their ankle getting out of bed, it can be difficult to determine the severity of the injury. From Peak Physical Therapy, here’s what you need to know when it comes to treating a sprained ankle vs. broken ankle.

Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments that connect the bones in your ankle are stretched or torn. This can happen if you roll your ankle or if you land on your foot awkwardly after jumping. Common symptoms of a sprained ankle include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty putting weight on the affected foot.

If you think you have a sprained ankle, it's important to see a doctor or orthopedic specialist right away. They will likely ask about your symptoms and how the injury occurred. They may also order x-rays or an MRI to rule out a break. Once they confirm whether it is a sprained ankle vs. broken ankle, they will likely recommend physical therapy Braintree MA to help you recover. Physical therapy for a sprained ankle may include exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles and ligaments around your ankle joint.

Broken Ankle

A broken ankle occurs when one or more of the bones in your ankle are fractured. This can happen if you fall or experience a direct blow to your ankle joint. Symptoms of a broken ankle include severe pain, swelling, bruising, deformity in the shape of your foot or ankle, and an inability to put weight on the affected foot. These are some of the differences between having a sprained ankle vs. broken ankle.

If you think you have broken your ankle, it's important to seek medical attention right away. Your doctor will likely order X-rays or an MRI to confirm the break. Once they diagnose your injury, they will work with you to create a treatment plan. This may involve wearing a cast or brace for several weeks while the bone heals, followed by physical therapy Braintree MA once the bone has healed sufficiently. Physical therapy for a broken ankle may include exercises that gradually help restore the range of motion as well as strength and flexibility in the muscles and ligaments around your ankle joint.

Peak Physical Therapy | Sprained Ankle Vs. Broken Ankle

Whether you’re an athlete or not, anyone can experience an ankle injury at any time. Knowing the difference between a sprained ankle vs. broken ankle is the key to recovering properly. While some ankle injuries are more severe than others, it can be difficult to determine the extent of the damage without seeking medical attention. Have a child who needs physical therapy? Alongside adult physical therapy, our office also offers pediatric physical therapy MA. Whatever stage of life you’re in if you’re ready to get your body back on track after an injury, Peak Physical Therapy can help. To learn more about our services, visit our physical therapy Braintree MA website today!

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