Peak Physical Therapy - Car Accident Recovery

Pain experienced after a motor vehicle accident is not uncommon, but that does not mean that it should be left untreated. In a motor vehicle accident, the most common type of pain results from blunt force that jerks the body in a flexion-extension motion that pulls and strains the muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments. With the implementation of physical therapy, studies show that range of motion, recovery of pain, and overall body function are improved. Winter brings ice, and ice on the road leads to more accidents. Our physical therapy Norwell MA professionals can help you feel rejuvenated and back to normal sooner rather than later with our physical therapy techniques.

Common Diagnoses Post-Accident

There is a list of common diagnoses that our physical therapy Norwell MA professionals see commonly. These diagnoses include:

  • Whiplash
  • Herniated discs
  • Sciatica
  • Radiculopathy
  • Headaches
  • Concussions
  • Wrist and leg fractures
  • Rib injuries
  • Contusions

From this list of diagnoses, our physical therapy Norwell MA team develops treatment plans that best suit the injuries that you're experiencing. After trying various techniques and modalities, our team will begin to start actively moving muscles and joints within an appropriate range. Our individualized treatment plans include:

  • Protection, rest, ice, or heat
  • Gradual stretching to increase range of motion and muscle length
  • Soft tissue massage, mobilization, and strain-counterstrain to improve movement and decrease pain
  • Gentle strengthening and conditioning to avoid stressing the areas that are healing
  • Modalities to reduce inflammation

Peak Physical Therapy | Physical Therapy Norwell MA

At Peak Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to providing the best service with the best outcomes possible. Our physical therapy Norwell MA team has the largest variety of specialized programs and treatment techniques available on the South Shore. For more information on our physical therapy, visit our website or contact us today.

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