Stretches to Start Your Morning | Peak Physical Therapy | Hanover MA

Starting every morning off by getting your blood circulating and expanding your muscles from sleeping the night before can make the start of any day easier, but this doesn’t have to be done by an early morning jog or lap around the pool. Stretching has been proven to increase flexibility, increase blood flow, relieve tension, and boost your confidence levels. This sequence can take less than 10 minutes, or practice a few breathing techniques along with it to achieve many benefits simultaneously. Below are a few poses that Peak Physical Therapy’s professional physical therapist Hanover MA suggests you getting out of bed a few minutes earlier to complete in the morning:

  • Child’s pose- This pose is great for stretching out your hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine. If you sit down all day or experience lower back pain, this is a good one for you.
  • Cat-Cow- These are actually two separate poses that are just very similar. When done together it can increase the circulation of your spinal fluid to lubricate and stretch your spine, back, and torso.
  • Downward-Facing Dog- Back problems when sleeping can cause aches and restlessness. This pose is a mild inversion, making it just the right amount to perform in the morning, and resets your nervous system, calms the brain, and energizes the body.
  • One-Legged Dog- To stretch and warm up the sides of your body, this pose opens up your hips, hamstrings, and hip flexors while strengthening your arms.
  • Warrior I- Also known as the “power pose”, the Warrior I increases confidence, stability, and focus while stretching your shoulders, arms, back, legs, and ankles. An all-around incredibly beneficial pose.
  • Mountain Pose- Posture is always something that can be worked on, and this pose can do just that. By working muscles in your torso, legs, core, arms, and even your feet, you can improve your posture, confidence, and breathing.
  • Standing Bend- After all of this movement, this final pose calms the brain, relieves stress and fatigue, and stimulates your organs and digestion. By doing this, you work your spinal muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

Everyone loves to hit the snooze button and get as much sleep as possible, but tomorrow morning try and getting out of bed a few minutes early and trying a few or all of these poses to stimulate your mind and body for the day ahead. For help learning more about stretching, yoga, and the health benefits contact the physical therapist Hanover MA at Peak Physical Therapy today.

Peak Physical Therapy Hanover MA

Our South Shore Physical Therapy practice specializes in physical therapy including many specialty programs including return-to-sports, vestibular, pelvic health, post-concussion, aquatics, and more. Locations include physical therapists Hanover, MA, Norwell, MA, Scituate, MA, Quincy, MA, Pembroke, MA, and Braintree, MA. Our specialized programs combined with state-of-the-art facilities allow us to meet the unique needs of our local patients and achieve the fastest results. If you are unsure whether this type of treatment can help you, we offer a no-obligation FREE injury screening. Click here for more information.

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